Study programme

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation - LIT


60 ETCs

1 year




Bilbao AS Fabrik campus and workshops in Madrid


Spanish or Basque


Online + Face to face workshops

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Study programme

The plan of study consists of five cycles:


    The aim of Cycle #01 is to understand the relationship between society and trends in social and educational innovation, to understand how they work, and to identify key topics for reflection. In addition to inspiration, the most important aspect of this cycle is that the students will learn to work coherently will determine the context and content for their projects.

    At the end of this cycle, each participant will have defined his or her principles as an agent for social and educational change in a process that begins with individual and group reflection and that focuses on inspiration in the students’ choice of research topics based on the desire to learn, rather than a particular theoretical framework.

    An inspirational study trip is part of this initial cycle.


    This cycle establishes the tone, energy, and flow that the participants will have to maintain as a working team, both during in-person workshops and in project work sessions, in online work and on trips.

    At the end of this cycle, the participants will have come together as a fully functioning group, and they will have defined the tasks involved in their projects and chosen the teams that will carry them out.


    This cycles focuses on creation. The group will continue to work on its projects, and will carry out longer visits and trips in a creative process that is introspective but not introverted and that involves constant collaboration and dialogue with other agents. In this process, the participants will evolve from “proto-team” to team, with clear aims: to manage their project/research and establish well-defined roles in their project.

    At the end of this cycle, the projects will be evaluated and reconceptualized by the whole Master’s community and network.

    The cycle will take one year. The participant will also choose what topics to specialize in through his or her choice of 6 of the 13 suggested modules.

    This cycle focuses specifically on the research project.

    Thematic content (LEGO modules):

  1. Learning to live together, focusing on the knowledge of functional and gender diversity as unequal, minority and dissident groups.
  2. Cultural capital at school, you will learn to develop multilingual and intercultural competencies with a critical view to understand the school as an agent of social impact.
  3. Change in the educational institution, you will investigate the keys to change processes in the educational institution.
  4. Complexity Navigation, you will learn to navigate complexity and change as part of your daily professional and personal life.
  5. Team Facilitation, you will experience the concepts and methodologies of team learning as a fundamental basis of your work, oriented to the experience of building a learning team.
  6. Innovation in learning processes, you will learn strategies to better connect with your students and facilitate their learning.
  7. Lifelong learning, the proposal of the module is to become travellers, understanding that the journey is the best expression to understand existence and learning.
  8. Learning analytics, the module revolves around the understanding of problems, from the use of statistics on variables/data that people produce.
  9. Facilitation of learning in digital environments, the future (and the present) is to explore the digital space; you will learn how to train yourself in the facilitation of learning in digital environments.
  10. Facilitation in hybrid environments, you will learn how to facilitate learning and innovation in an onlife context.
  11. Learning and innovation ecosystems, to learn about the main components and dynamics that allow you to create and implement an innovative ecosystem.
  12. Quantitative research, to deepen in the concepts and tools that are fundamental to carry out a quantitative research process. (Compulsory in doctoral itinerary).
  13. Qualitative research, to learn about qualitative paradigms, the different methods associated with them, as well as different techniques for collecting and analysing data. (Compulsory in doctoral itinerary). 

    By this point, the team will have defined and consolidated its projects, and had them evaluated by the network. There may be some changes and adaptations along the way, but this cycle focuses on consolidation of the project.

    Additionally, both the team and the projects conclude their first cycle of life at the end of this cycle, which therefore focuses on reflecting on and planning the continuation and/or future of those projects.


    After projects are presented, it will be time to “celebrate” the skills and knowledge that the Master’s students have acquired both as a team and individually.

    It’s also time for each student to inventory his or her learning and make decisions about how to maintain the community created during this Master’s program.


Throughout the Master’s program, a number of workshops will be offered. The in-person sessions of the Master’s program will take place in Bilbao and Madrid.

All the subjects

1st Year

  Subjects Type ECTS
PDF Learning for impact M 8
PDF Research and innovation processes and methodologies M 10
PDF Learning to live together OP 6
PDF Cultural capital in the school setting OP 6
PDF Change in educational institutions OP 6
PDF Complexity navigation OP 6
PDF Learning analytics: metrics OP 6
PDF Lifelong learning OP 6
PDF Team facilitation OP 6
PDF Facilitating in digital environments OP 6
PDF Facilitation in hybrid environments OP 6
PDF Learning and innovation ecosystems OP 6
PDF Quantitative research OP 6
PDF Qualitative research OP 6
PDF Innovation in learning processes OP 6
PDF Practicum OB 8
  Master`s Thesis
PDF Master´s Thesis MT 10
  Total   60


  • BT: Basic Training
  • M: Mandatory
  • OP: Optional
  • MT: Master´s Thesis