Official Degree

Master's Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation - LIT


60 ETCs

1 year




Bilbao AS Fabrik campus and workshops in Madrid


Spanish or Basque


Online + Face to face workshops

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The end of September will see the launch of the next year of the Master’s Degree Program in Learning Facilitation and Innovation - LIT, which was designed by TeamLabs together with the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University.

Here, we answer some of the questions we receive most often about this innovative program.

1. Is this a Master’s degree program?
Yes, it is a Master’s degree program and it is accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación, ANECA). It is therefore a Master’s degree that is recognized throughout Europe.

2. What is the format of this Master’s degree program?
This nine-month Master’s degree program is offered in the hybrid format. In other words, it is an online Master’s program with several in-person workshops in Bilbao and various experiential trips throughout the course.

3. When and where do the workshops take place?
The workshops take place on weekends in Bilbao, on the AS Fabrik campus, on Fridays and Saturdays, all day. In addition, the Master’s program offers experiential trips to Antzuola (Gipuzkoa), Barcelona and Madrid.

4. In what languages is it taught?
The program is taught in Spanish or Basque.

5. What job opportunities does this Master’s degree lead to?
The program leads to a multitude of opportunities in the teaching and corporate fields. Specifically, innovation consultant, designer of learning experiences, cultural/educational/social innovation agent, education center manager, leader of change processes in a corporation, or head of innovation in education centers or corporations.

In addition, as a facilitator you will be able to lead change processes in your education or work center, design and develop group or team processes aimed at participation and at the co-creation of or change in daily work models, complete your professional profile with tools to facilitate and dynamize teams and processes, or work in the field of non-formal education.

6. How much does it cost? Can it be paid in installments
Click here for pricing. You can pay in either of two ways:

  • 3 installments: when you complete your enrollment, in December and in March.
  • 5 installments: when you complete your enrollment, and in November, December, February and March.

7. Why do you say that the Master’s program has a LEGO model?
The program consists of three cycles, and in the third you will be the one who chooses the modules that best suit your interests and needs. It is a LEGO master in that you can build your own path of specialization.

8. Who are the teaching team?
We have a team of excellent professionals - teachers and researchers from both Mondragon University and TeamLabs - who will assist you in your learning experience. In addition, we have a large number of collaborators; for example, Elisabeth Pastor, Marta Lago, Fernando Trujillo, David Alvarez, Antonio Lafuente and Juan Freire are all part of the Master’s team.

9. When does the course start?
We start at the end of September. So hurry up, sign up, and join up for the adventure of this Master’s degree!

10. Do I still have time to register?
Yes. Registration is free and is the first step in the admission process. You can register on the university’s website: www.mondragon.edu/inskripzioak..

11. Is there a selection process?
Yes. We have created a selection process because we believe that your learning experience in the Master’s degree program also depends on the companions you will have as you work toward your degree. Therefore, we ask that you send us a video to help us get to know you better, as well as your signed letter of commitment (“LIT-in contract”). Once we receive your materials, we will schedule a selection interview with you and we will be able to tell you if you have been approved to join the team. Once the selection process has been completed, you will be able to reserve your place in the Master’s program and then enroll.

12. What are the enrollment deadlines?
The regular and extended enrollment deadlines can be found here.