Study programme

Official Degree

Master Degree in International Business Management (MIO)



1,5 years




Spanish, English



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An increasing number of companies are seeking to internationalise in order to have new business opportunities in new markets. By taking this Master’s degree, you will acquire the necessary skills to accompany these companies in their expansion process in foreign countries.

To do this, during the year and a half of the Master’s degree, you will be studying different subjects in which you will carry out projects with real challenges that will allow you to acquire the necessary experience to practice this profession in different business cultures.


Subjects of the Master’s Degree in Internationalisation of Organisations


Internationalisation Strategy

You will be able to design, develop, implement and manage internationalisation strategies while considering the destination in which they will be implemented.


Forms of Entry into Foreign Markets

You will be able to define the most suitable international destination for the development of business activities based on your company’s business model.


Sales and Marketing Management

You will master the knowledge, variables and key tools required for the management of marketing and sales of companies operating in a global environment.



People Management

You will develop the interpersonal skills necessary for managing people from different cultures, as well as their influence on business management.


You will learn through practice

During the year and a half of the Master’s degree, you will acquire the skills and concepts necessary to design and carry out the internationalisation process of a company in a foreign country. You will assimilate this knowledge through (remove) practice, addressing the real challenges of companies that will arise throughout the programme. In addition, you will end up with work experience in your profession (minimum of 6 months; maximum of 1.5 years).


Find out about our system of learning through projects


Subjects of each course

The Master’s Degree in Internationalisation of Organisations is organised and structured through broad academic teaching-learning units that we refer to as modules. These modules contain several subjects, comprising the administrative enrolment units.

In order to achieve the general objective of the Master’s degree to provide the necessary skills to manage and lead internationalised companies, the lessons have been distributed in the following modules, in both the Classroom and Online modes.

Learning Program

The Master's Degree in Internationalization of Organizations is organized and structured by extensive academic teaching-learning units that we call moduless. These modules contain in turn several subjects, these being the administrative units of registration.

With a view to achieving the general objective of the master's degree, it is to provide the necessary competencies to manage and lead internationalized companies, the teachings have been distributed in the following modules, both in On-line and Online mode:


  Subject Tipo ECTS: 9
PDF Economic and Legal Environment FB 2
PDF Financial Analysis FB 3
PDF Strategic Analysis FB 2
PDF Market Research FB 2

The Global Environment

  Subject ECTS
PDF The Global Business Context 4
PDF Internationalization Strategy 5
  Total 9

The subjects covered in the first module are geared towards gaining the personal skills that facilitate students' professional development through analysis.


  Subject ECTS
PDF Market Selection 5
PDF Ways of entering foreign markets 3
  Total 8

This module includes subjects that help students orient themselves within a business and professional environment where they need to pursue their professional career including: characteristics of the environment, localisation factors, information sources, market entry strategies, international logistics and the main characteristics of applying the internationalisation concept in the current competition context.


  Subject ECTS
PDF Strategic Management 6
PDF Staff Management 3
PDF Marketing and Sales Management 3
PDF Global Supply Chain 3
PDF Financial Management 3
  Total 18

The subjects covered in this module provide students with the skills and tools they need to initiate international business projects such as business strategy, organisational models, personal management, international sales and marketing management, global value chain management and financial control.


  Subject ECTS
PDF Europe 5
PDF USA, Canada and Mexico 5
PDF Pacific Asia 5
PDF Central and South America 5
PDF Africa, North Africa and Arab Countries 5
  Total 25

The subjects covered in this module give students the ability to interpret the key economic and cultural factors of the most important geographical areas around the world today.

International Management

  Subject ECTS
PDF Specialized Company Internships 24
  Total 24

Students will apply the skills gained and content covered over the course of the Master's programme.

International Management

  Subject ECTS
PDF End of Degree Project 6
  Total 6

Students will apply the skills gained and content covered over the course of the Master's programme.