
Official Degree

Master Degree in International Business Management (MIO)



1,5 years




Spanish, English



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Business School

MU Enpresagintza is the legal entity of the Business School forming part of Mondragon Unibertsitatea university.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is a university with a social initiative and vocation and is declared a not for profit public utility.

Committed to quality in education and study geared towards practical experience since our creation, at Mondragon Unibertsitatea we give great importance to the whole education of our students.

Because we belong to the MONDRAGON Corporation we can maintain a close relationship to the business world, which gives our students the opportunity to have contact with real work environments from the very beginning of their academic career.

The Business School has three campuses including the Oñati campus, the Bidasoa, Irun campus and the BBF campus in Bilbao.

Our main activities are education, research, development and innovation.

Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria

Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria is located in the centre of Bilbao and hosts an ecosystem where university students, companies in the incubation process and companies that have started to grow can all interact.

Furthermore, the building has a common meeting space for everybody. The space is called the Dock and moments of creativity, work or leisure can be shared there over breakfast, lunch, coffee or a drink and diverse activities for the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria community or society at large are held there.

Because it's located in the centre of Bilbao, at C/Uribitarte 6, it's easily accessible by public transport (tram or Bilbobus) and there are also car parks nearby in Pío Baroja and Arenal.