Mobility and internationalization

Official Degree

Master Degree in International Business Management (MIO)



1,5 years




Spanish, English



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Mobility and Internationalisation

THANKS TO THE NETWORK OF COLLABORATORS OF THE MASTER’S DEGREE IN INTERNATIONALISATION OF ORGANISATIONS, Malaysia, United States, Germany and Brazil are just some of the countries where you can carry out your work placement and End-of-Master’s Project. To work as a professional IN FAVOUR of the Internationalisation of Organisations, it is essential to have work experience in the FIELD, ESPECIALLY IF IT IS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES.


You will increase your chances of finding a job as a professional in the internationalisation of organisations.


You will create a network of contacts that will serve you in your professional future.



You will develop skills required in the professional world


You will be able to improve your handling and fluency in languages


Financing the International Stay

In case you choose to carry out your work placements and End-of-Master’s Project (TFM) abroad, you will have different financing options, whether the international stay takes place in a European country or if it occurs outside Europe. 
In the first case, you will be able to opt for the Erasmus + Work Placement programmes, of the Erasmus Mobility Programme. Similarly, students may also receive the supplement granted by the Ministry of Education of Spain or the mobility grants offered by the Basque Government.
On the other hand, if you decide to stay in a country outside of Europe, you will only be able to apply for the scholarship granted by the Basque Government through Bilateral Agreements. 
Being a beneficiary of one or more of these scholarships does not mean that the student cannot receive a benefit from the company or access complementary scholarships (for example, Global Training Scholarships, etc.).

Would you like to give it a try?

Through this programme, our students can carry out their projects in universities, companies, or research centres abroad. These are the universities with which we have active agreements. The students of the Master’s Degree in Internationalisation of Organisations can develop their international experience in organisations or companies with international activities or goals, participating in their global management or promoting their international journey. These are some of the usual destinations. Would you like to give it a try?