
Last week the 25th University Championship of Euskadi was held

Euskadi university championship Last week the 25th University Championship of Euskadi was held 2025·03·13

Around 100 students represented Mondragon University at this edition, held in San Sebastian.

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Last week the first climbing course in Bilbao was end

Climbing course Last week the first climbing course in Bilbao was end 2025·03·12

Participants are having the opportunity to learn about and practice this modality at the PiuGaz (Zorrozaurre) climbing wall.

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The training aimed at Mondragon Unibertsitatea professionals is being consolidated and strengthened year after year.

Professional Training The training aimed at Mondragon Unibertsitatea professionals is being consolidated and strengthened year after year. 2025·03·11

The university offers courses of different types and formats to more than 8.000 professionals every year.

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This week the climbing course in Aretxabaleta will end

Climbing course This week the climbing course in Aretxabaleta will end 2025·03·11

Participants are having the opportunity to learn about and practice this modality at the Aretxabaleta climbing wall.

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Ha sido una actividad relacionada con varias asignaturas que se están cursando en el Máster y que ha gustado mucho al alumnado

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