Job opportunities

Official Degree

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education (4 mentions)


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

150 Places


Basque (80%), Spanish (10%) and English (10%)


On-site / Blended

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Job opportunities

You will be able to work in any Early Childhood Education center

Your studies in the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education will provide you with all the skills and tools you need to be able to intervene positively in the early stages of the physical and cognitive development of students between 0 and 6 years of age.

Once you graduate, you will be able to practice the profession in any public, private or concertated school, since you will have mastered the necessary skills and gained real experience thanks to the internships you will do during your bachelor's degree. Thus, you will become a professional in Early Childhood Education in disciplines such as Special Education or Foreign Language.

After graduating in Early Childhood Education, you will be able to:

Work in schools with children between 0 and 6 years of age

You can work as a teaching professional in any concertated, private or public school.

Participate in the design of teaching materials

You will design and develop didactic materials that will then be used in Early Childhood Education classrooms.

Be a specialist in a field related to our four specializations

Thanks to the four specializations from which to choose in this bachelor's degree (General Early Childhood Education, Foreign Language, Hearing and Language, and Psychomotricity), you will be able to work in specific areas of education.


You will acquire the skills you need to work as a tutor in collaboration with students, families and the educational community.


You will be able to work in multilingual and multicultural contexts, responding to the linguistic and communicative needs of the children in the classroom.



You will work in child development in educational centers, with children with hearing and language difficulties.


You will work in child development in schools, with children with psychomotor needs.


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