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Official Degree

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education (4 mentions)


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

150 Places


Basque (80%), Spanish (10%) and English (10%)


On-site / Blended

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Continue studying

Once you get your Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, you will be able to continue your training to specialize in the area that interests you most. Thus, you can choose between making a second mention of this same bachelor's degree, studying the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, studying a university master's degree or continuing to train with shorter courses in the area of education aimed at teachers .

Study a second mention or a second degree in Education

If you have already graduated, you can now get a second specialty of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education or study the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, studying in blended modality (online + face-to-face tutoring sessions and obligatory internships at schools) being able to combine the studies with your current job or other activities.

Studying a second degree in Early Childhood Education Study a second degree: Primary Education


Menciones del grado en Educación Infantil

General Early Childhood Education

You will acquire the skills to work as a tutor in collaboration with students, families or the educational community.

Foreign Language

You will be able to work in multilingual and multicultural contexts, responding to the linguistic and communicative needs of the children of the classroom.



You will work in schools to help children with hearing and language difficulties in their development.


You will get to know the keys to the psychomotor development of the child and learn to respond to their needs. In addition, you will be trained in observing and interpreting the games and free movements of the children.


More information about the mentions


Why study a Master’s degree?

As you complete your studies, you will realize the educational areas you love most. By pursuing a master’s degree, you’ll get the necessary training to specialize and improve your skills, helping you focus in that direction or taking a new path such as research and doctoral studies:



Master's degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation - LIT

You will acquire the necessary skills to research, develop, promote and manage innovative projects that facilitate learning in both business and educational settings.


More information about the Master's Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation - LIT


Master's degree in Research for Educational Innovation

In the Master’s degree program in Research for Educational Innovation, you will learn to identify new lines of innovation in the educational world and above all, you will focus on researching objectives and questions related to innovation.


More information about the Master’s degree in Research for Educational Innovation




Courses related to Early Childhood Education

If you want to continue training, you can also take short courses that give you more specific knowledge, and that will allow you to increase your opportunities to get the job you want.


See all courses related to Education


Job opportunities with the bachelor's degree in early childhood education

Most professionals work in public, private or subsidized schools, in the field of Early Childhood Education, in both cycles, with children between 0 and 6 years of age. However, there are many more job opportunities for people who earn their bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. For example:

  • Design of teaching materials.
  • Foreign language education.
  • Education for children with special needs.

Job opportunities