Study programme

Official Degree

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education (4 mentions)


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

150 Places


Basque (80%), Spanish (10%) and English (10%)


On-site / Blended

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PDF Catalogue

Study programme

During the 4 years of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, instead of courses, you will work through modules and experience situations that are closely related to the profession. You will have a close relationship with schools, as you will visit them frequently and do internships in Early Childhood Education educational centers.

What features do the modules have?

  • The modules are interdisciplinary and have been designed from many different perspectives and areas.
  • When you start a module, you will work only on that module. This way, you can concentrate better on each one!
  • The modules are very practical and are directly related to your future professional skills.
  • You will have the help of teachers and tutors throughout your entire learning process.

Key topics at the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

The child

Development of the person aged 0-6

You will ensure comprehensive development taking into account the characteristics and needs of the child.

Diversity management

You will be able to respond to the diversity of each child.


Relationship with the child

You will develop strategies to relate to children.



School context

You will be able to design and evaluate spaces, times, activities and school projects.


Development and learning processes

You will learn how to develop, implement and evaluate proposals.



You can choose your mention

You can specialize in Early Childhood or Foreign Language Education.

More information


Teacher of the 21st century

Educational community

You’ll be trained to interact with all community agents: family, neighborhood, and various local agents.


You will get to know yourself and make commitments at a personal and professional level.


Transforming society

You will understand current society and work on the keys to influence it.


Educational innovation

You will develop knowledge, skills and strategies for educational transformation.



Starting from your first year, you will be able to do internships in different educational centers in the Basque Country, in Spain, and abroad. The internships will have different durations and structures, some of which will be related to the specialization you choose. Your internships will allow you to gain first-hand experience of the teaching profession and of the real context of this profession.


Learn more about internships


In addition, in your 4th year of study, you will work under the alternance model. That is, during your internship period, you will spend three days a week at the school and two days at the university.

Another powerful core feature of your learning process will be teamwork. In addition, you will get trained through interdisciplinary work.


Learn about our project-based learning system



Subjects in each year of study/h2>


  • BT: Basic Training
  • C: Compulsory
  • OP: Optional
  • T: Thesis


1st year

  Subject Type ECTS
PDF Análisis crítico de la sociedad actual BT 9
PDF Escuela inclusiva BT 6
PDF Escuela, lenguas y pueblo BT 9
PDF El proceso de convertirse en educador/a BT 15
PDF La persona de 0-6 años BT 9
PDF Contextos educativos para la educación infantil BT 8
PDF Practicum I C 4


2st curso

  Subject Type ECTS
PDF La escuela expandida BT 6
PDF Educación para la transformación social BT 6
PDF Contextos para el desarrollo del niño/a y atención temprana BT 12
PDF Facilitación del aprendizaje y del desarrollo desde el rol del educador/a BT 10
PDF Observación y evaluación en educación infantil BT 10
PDF Corporalidad, música y cultura C 10
PDF Practicum II C 6


3rd year

  Subject Type ECTS
PDF Entornos educativos para el desarrollo de la comunicación y la expresión del niño/a C 8
PDF Exploración y experimentación para el desarrollo del conocimiento del medio natural y social C 8
PDF Practicum III C 8
PDF Practicum IV C 6
  Option: Pre-School Education    
PDF Desarrollo e intervención en el personal del educador/a OP 12
PDF Propuestas educativas integradoras OP 12
PDF Dialogo entre la teoria y la practica OP 6
  Option: Foreing Language    
PDF My linguistic and cultural self OP 12
PDF How is fl worked at school? OP 12
PDF Trans-classforming OP 6
  Option Psychomotor Skills    
PDF Marco conceptual de la psicomotricidad OP 12
PDF La formación del psicomotricista OP 12
PDF Dialogo entre teoria y practica psicomotriz OP 6
  Option: Hearing and Language    
PDF Fundamentos de la anatomía del aparato auditivo y tratamientos educativos OP 12
PDF Pensamiento, evolución y trastornos del lenguaje, tratamientos educativos y sistemas de comunicación alternativos OP 12
PDF Sistemas de apoyo en la educación del s. XXI: marco integral, áreas de intervención, perfiles y tareas OP 6


4th year

  Subject Type ECTS
PDF Herramientas y metodologías para la innovación educativa C 12
PDF Desde la interdisciplinariedad a las antidisciplinas C 8
PDF Investigación e innovación educativa C 14
PDF Practicum V C 16
PDF Trabajo de Fin de Grado T 10