Study programme

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Data Analytics


240 ETCS

4 years




Spanish, English



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The subjects of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Data Analytics have been specifically tailored to this degree, adding those aspects necessary to train future professionals in the field of data science and artificial intelligence in order to respond coherently to real business needs.

Subjects in the degree

Below is a summary of the degree subjects:


Analytical skills



You will be able to understand the mathematical and statistical concepts behind artificial intelligence



Strategic data management and good data governance are key to the correct implementation of artificial intelligence in organisations.



You will learn how to create models to extract value from data. You will be introduced to concepts such as machine learning, deep learning, etc.




You will learn how to display the obtained results using effective visualisation techniques. You will also learn how to apply the key tools used in business intelligence.


Tech skills



You will learn to implement the most widely used programming languages in data science (R, Python, etc.)



You will learn about different data storage platforms and both relational and non-relational databases, among others.



You will learn about the main platforms for analysing large volumes of data, both on-premise and in the cloud (AWS).


Domain skills



You will learn the basics of economics (macro and microeconomics) in order to understand the economy from a data-driven perspective.



You will learn the basics of marketing and how to combine data analysis with marketing strategies.



You will gain different perspectives on a company's financial data, providing information to facilitate strategic decision making and actions that will improve the overall performance of the company.




You will learn the keys to Industry 4.0 and why data is so crucial for it.



You will acquire basic knowledge regarding this area and how data analysis is becoming a trend in this field.



You will be aware of the applicable legislation in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as the ethical aspects to be considered in its application.


Soft skills



You will be taught about the most widely used methodologies in companies for project management (Scrum, Kanban, etc.).



You will be able to effectively express yourself orally and in writing.



You will develop the soft skills needed in any business environment in a practical way.


See all subjects



Throughout the degree, through challenge based learning, you will have to solve 12 real problems posed by organisations and institutions from different sectors. To this end, you will work in a team with your classmates and will be tutored by a teacher who will act as project manager. In this way, you will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the subjects by developing creative and innovative solutions that meet the needs of different organisations.

At the end of the degree, you will have compiled a portfolio of projects that will clearly show the skills and competences acquired during the course.

The learning methodology


The subjects of the curriculum for the Business Data Analytics degree´s program:

1 Course

  Materia Tipo ECTS Idioma
PDF Fundamentals of Mathematics and Statistics I FB 12 C, I
PDF Programming and Databases I FB 9 C, I
PDF Data Science I OB 9 C, I
PDF Data Mining I OB 5 C, I
PDF Data Visualization I OB 3 C, I
PDF Economics and Business Management I FB 16 C, I
PDF Personal skills I OB 3 C, I
PDF Case studies I OB 3 C, I
  Total   60  

2 Course

  Materia Tipo ECTS Idioma
PDF Fundamentals of Mathematics and Statistics II FB 12 C, I
PDF Programming and Databases II OB 4 C, I
PDF Big Data and Digital Ecosystem I OB 6 C, I
PDF Data Science II OB 6 C, I
PDF Data Mining II OB 5 C, I
PDF Data Visualization II OB 3 C, I
PDF Economics and Business Management II FB 6 C, I
PDF Management tools I FB 6 C, I
PDF Digital Customer I FB 6 C, I
PDF Personal skills II OB 3 C, I
PDF Case studies II OB 3 C, I
  Total   60  

3 Course

  Materia Tipo ECTS Idioma
PDF Big Data and Digital Ecosystem II OB 8 C, I
PDF Data Science III OB 8 C, I
PDF Data Mining III OB 9 C, I
PDF Data Visualization III OB 3 C, I
PDF Economics and Business Management III OB 4 C, I
PDF Digital Customer II OB 6 C, I
PDF Management Tools II OB 4 C, I
PDF Personal skills III OB 3 C, I
PDF Data in the financial services industry I OP 3 C, I
PDF Digital industry I OP 3 C, I
PDF Data in the healthcare industry I OP 3 C, I
PDF Data management trends I OP 3 C, I
PDF Case Studies III OP 3 C, I
  Total   60  

4 Course

  Materia Tipo ECTS Idioma
PDF Programming and Databases III OB 3 C, I
PDF Big data y digital ecosystem III OB 3 C, I
PDF Data Mining IV OB 3 C, I
PDF Data Visualization IV OP 3 C, I
PDF Data in the financial sector II OP 3 C, I
PDF Digital industry II OP 3 C, I
PDF Data management trends OP 3 C, I


Data-driven business models OP 3 C, I
PDF Personal skills IV OB 3 C, I
PDF Internship OB 30 C, I
PDF Final Degree Project OB 9 C, I
  Total   60  


  • FB: Formación Básica - 67 ECTS
  • OB: Obligatoria - 146 ECTS
  • OP: Optativa - 12 ECTS
  • TFG: Trabajo Fin de Grado
  • C: Castellano
  • I: Inglés