Work experience and projects

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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Essential Requirements to complete the Degree

The close connection that maintains Mondragon University with a large number of companies and institutions gives our students the option to obtain and extend, throughout their studies, theoretical and practical knowledge on the real working world, developing practices and projects based on the real needs of the market and society.

This relationship can be established in various forms:

  • Work end of degree: Practices and projects made in companies and institutions, addressing real and current problems of the markets and society, which must make mandatorily all students in the last cuatrimeste the degree with full dedication, for the completion of their studies before their incorporation into the labour market.
  • Practices: Possibility of completing theoretical and practical knowledge, with dedication half-day, through the stay in companies and institutions for the execution of internships in any field of management.

The practices and projects are carried out in companies and institutions the environment well abroad. The realization of practices and projects will count aid offers established by the company and the coverage of a insurance complementary of accidents.