Entry profile

Oficial Degree

Degree in Business Administration and Management by Mondragon Unibertsitatea


240 ETCS

4 years


Oñati, Bidasoa, Bilbao


Basque, Spanish, English


DUAL, On-site

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Recommended admissions profile

There are two ideal admissions profiles:first those who enter the bachelor's degree from secondary school, and second those that enter having finished vocational training.

Students coming from secondary school

We recommend having studied Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences or Technology (Spanish Educational Law LOGSE), Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences or Sciences (Spanish Educational Law LOE);and having completed  the subjects “Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II“, “Mathematics II”, “Economy”, “Economy and Business Administration”, “Business Finance”

Students coming from Vocational Training

We recommend having taken Vocational training in subject matters related to this degree, like "Administration and Finance" or "Business and Marketing".

Common profile characteristics to all students, independent of admissions profile

For the linguistic profile relative to the Campus´ region, there are the following language tracks:

Therefore the students must have the following language skills:


Languaje Reading Spoken Written
Euskara -- -- --
Spanish C1 C1 C1
English B2 B1 B2


Languaje Reading Spoken Written
Euskara C1 C1 C1
Spanish C1 C1 C1
English B2 B1 B2

*Levels established by the common European framework for languages: learning, teaching and evaluation

Besides educational training in the official centres, we recommend students applying for admissions have the following characteristics:

  • Interest in business and its problems
  • Work ethic, creativity and common sense
  • People skills and teamwork