Teaching-learning process
Teaching-learning process
The Master's degree is taught using the learning by doing methodology, based on the idea that the best way to learn is through practical experience and direct action. This methodology promotes the acquisition of knowledge and skills through active participation in real-life activities and projects.
Distance learning is conducted through the Virtual Campus of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, with synchronous, real-time classes between you and the faculty. Activities are supported by individual and group tutoring sessions, as well as a continuous assessment process. Before starting the modules, an Orientation Plan is offered with online sessions to familiarize you with the objectives, methodology, and virtual environment. Some of the key features of this Master's learning process include:

Active Methodologies
Methodologies such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Project-Based Learning (PBL), and Case-Based Learning (CBL), among others. These methodologies are at the core of the educational process, fostering the resolution of real-world problems in gastronomic and educational contexts.

Tutoring sessions to guide your academic and professional development. These sessions facilitate self-assessment and the exchange of ideas, promoting a deeper understanding of the content and skills.

Basque Culinary Center Experience
You have the option to participate in a three-week on-site stay. During this stay, you will visit various teaching spaces, observe live classes, and participate in practical workshops. This experience allows you to see and feel the real-world applicability of what you've learned.

Continuous and Formative Assessment
Continuous and Formative Assessment, enabling constant improvement in learning. This is achieved using a variety of assessment tools, including debates, practical projects, presentations, and self-assessments, ensuring continuous and constructive feedback.

Final Project
You will develop a project that reflects your learning and growth throughout the Master's degree. These projects are designed to respond to your interests and areas of expertise, ensuring a practical and relevant application of the acquired knowledge.