Entry profile

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Sensory Analysis and Customer Sciences



2 years


Donostia - San Sebastián (Basque Culinary Center)

Class size

20 places





Entry Profile

This Master's program is for: University graduates and undergraduates interested in specializing in food fermentation from a scientific, culinary, and socio-cultural perspective or in deepening a professional career in sustainable food and gastronomic innovation.

It also includes academic profiles from disciplines such as:

  • Food and Gastronomic Sciences: Degree in Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Human Nutrition and Dietetics,Food Technology , Food Science and Technology.
  • Experimental and Health Sciences: Degree in Microbiology, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Agri-Food and Rural Engineering
  • Social Sciences, Humanities, and Management: Degree in Anthropology, Sociology, History, Business Administration and Management
  • Emerging and interdisciplinary areas: Food Science and Food Biotechnology

Language requirements: The Master's Degree is taught in English. It is essential to have a level equal to or higher than B2 in English (according to the MCER).