Objectives and competences
the science and technology of fermentation by developing advanced skills and using scientific methodologies to understand, optimize and apply fermentation processes to food and beverages.
sustainability and innovation in the food industry by designing fermentation practices that respect microbial biodiversity, optimize resources, reduce environmental impact, and respond to the demands of changing global market.
a solid foundation in applied research, specially oriented towards the field and development of gastronomic areas.
an interdisciplinary and collaborative perspective, training professionals capable of integrating knowledge in biotechnology, culinary sciences, anthropology, and sociology to create innovative solutions in the field of food.
knowledge transfer and leadership in fermentation, strengthening the connection between research, professional practice and sustainability, and developing compentences to apply fermentation techniques in industry, academia and entrepreneurship..
Entry Requirements
If you already have a university degree in one of these fields:
- Gastronomy
- Nutrition
- Food Technology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacy
- Innovation in food processes
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Enviromental Sciences
- Anthropology
- Sociology
- Biotechnology
- Business Administration
If you identify eith these statements:
- I am passionate about understanding the processes behind food fermentation and their impact on foods.
- I am good at sciences and eager to apply them to innovative product development.
- I am drawn to sustainability and exploring new fermentation methodologies.
- I enjoy investigating and experimenting with innovative fermentation techniques.
- I am a curious, observant, and creative person with a drive to continuously learn.
- I want to contribute to the evolution of the food industry with sustainable and creative solutions.
Courses in the Master's degree
- Science and Technology of Fermented Foods
- Advanced Culinary Techniques and Processes
- Anthropology, Sociology, and Culture of Fermentation
- Research and Innovation in Gastronomy/strong>
- Master's Thesis (TFM)
Career opportunities
- Food Industry.
- Consulting in Fermentation
- Gastronomy and Foodservice
- Education and Training.
- Research