Programmes and evaluation reports

Doctoral Programme

PhD Programme in Innovation and educational intervention


Full-time: 3 years (possibility of extending in 1 year).

Part-time: 5 years (possibility of extending in 2 years).



Class size

14 places


Spanish, Basque, English



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IQAS - System of Internal Quality Assurance 

The EHEA framework and new changes in Spanish regulations, require that Spanish universities must ensure the fulfilment of the objectives associated with the lessons taught, in furtherance of continuous improvement.

For this reason, the Faculty od Education Sciencies of Mondragon University has designed its own system of internal quality assurance in accordance to the principles and guidelines of the AUDIT program of ANECA (National Agency for the evaluation of quality and accreditation).

Quality Manual Process and Procedures IQAS implementing certification award
PDF Manual PDF Record Card PDF Report


This is a programme for the evaluation of the proposals of official study plans designed in line with the EHEA (European Higher Education Area).

A favourable ANECA report is an essential pre-requisite for the degree to become official.

Application Approval Report Final ANECA report Formal agreements and enrolment in the RUCT
PDF 2012 PDF 2012 Link RUCT


This is a programme available to of universities to help the monitoring of official degrees with the aim of validating their correct implementation and results.


This is a programme which ultimately aims to validate official degrees. Its main objective is to verify the adequacy of degree results and to guarantee the continuity of teaching standards until the subsequent renewal of accreditation.


This is a support programme for universities in designing their own mechanisms to manage the quality of tuition of university teachers and promote the development and recognition of the teaching.

Teaching Evaluation Manual External Assesment Report
PDF Manual PDF Report