Local/individual training

Local/individual training

The DiManD ESRs will conduct the majority of their research at their Host Beneficiary and will consequently receive in-depth technical training at their Host Beneficiary featuring a number of important elements including the following:

  • Individual research projects: Each ESR will be locally supervised by their academic and industrial supervisors. ESRs will be encouraged to interact with the local research group at their host institution. This will include research forums, national symposiums and meetings. This approach will ensure that the ESR achieves a holistic (360°) perspective of the research being conducted at the local level. Similarly, perspectives acquired during secondments can be brought back to the host institution and shared with fellow researchers.
  • Secondment programme: Each ESR will undertake a series of short secondments that will include at least one intersectorial and transnational secondment. 
  • Project specific scientific/technical training: Each ESR will receive individual scientific and on -the-job training provided by academic and industrial partners tailored to their specific research project. Specific scientific training modules offered by the academic beneficiaries and to be undertaken by individual ESRs is provided in Table 1.2c; other ESRs will be able to access the modules if desired.
  • Local complementary/non-technical training: Complementary/non-technical skills training is an important part of the ESR training plan and covers aspects of personal and business skills, together with preparation of a PhD based on local requirements. Complementary training will include:
    • Training modules of RRI Tools Project will be used for training in Responsible Research and Innovation, ethics, gender equality, Inclusivity and Diversity in Engineering, science education, public engagement and open access.
    • “Communication Skills for Researchers” for training ESRs in communication and outreach skills. The main goal of this training is to encourage ESRs to share their scientific knowledge and research experience with general public and local schools. ESRs will be trained and encouraged to record and publish a video about their individual projects in the Youtube video channel of the project.
    • “Online research” for training ESRs in the use of social networks and collaborative tools for technological watch, collaborative work and dissemination of their research.
    • “Intellectual property and patenting” for gaining a basic understanding of IP, in particular covering areas of good note taking, confidentiality, patents and copyright.
    • “Entrepreneurship” for fostering the business view of ESRs.
    • Interview practice and seminars on CV writing skills.