Objectives and competences

Official Degree

Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering



1,5 years


Arrasate-Mondragon, Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

85 places


Spanish, English



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Objetives and Competences

The objective of the Masters Degree of Industrial Engineering is to train qualified engineers with the ability to:

  • Undertake Technical and Financial Project Management for the design of products, processes, facilities and plants, fulfilling both quality and environmental requirements, through the work of multidisciplinary teams.
  • Plan and design products, processes, installations and industrial plants, from conception to marketing, in all areas within the professional scope of industrial engineering.
  • Manage research projects orientated towards scientific and technological development, in multidisciplinary and multi-sector environments, promoting good management practices and knowledge transfer.

This degree qualifies the holder to exercise the profession of Industrial Engineer, regulated by CIN/311/2009 dated 9 Feb, (18/02/2009).

In addition, this Masters degree provides a level of knowledge equivalent to level 3 of MECES (Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education)

Those students who meet the requirements established by decree 47/2012 dated 3 Apr relating to the ‘ recognition of the official studies made in the Basque language and exemption with titles accreditation and certification in Basque language ’, may obtain exemption of the accreditation at C1-equivalent level (EGA)



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