Objectives and competences

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Business Innovation and Project Management



On-site: 1 year


Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

55 places


Spanish, English



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Objetves and Competences

This Masters degree will enable students to:

  • Ensure excellence in the organisation's project management to implement changes, and new products and services, achieving the outcomes within optimum time and cost constraints.
  • Promote the permanent identification of new opportunities for the organisation.
  • Promote innovation and the development of new business activities through the promotion of a culture of innovation and an understanding of the processes and activities related to the development of business plans.
  • Define the specifications of a logistical project or improvement in any of the sub-processes of the supply chain and roll-out their implementation.
  • Develop leadership capabilities, adopting a responsible ethical perspective, putting together all the management and organisational skills and competences necessary for this.

In addition, this Masters degree provides a level of knowledge equivalent to level 3 of MECES (Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education)



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