Teaching-learning process

Official Degree

Master Degree in Smart Energy Systems



1,5 years


Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

30 places


Spanish, English



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Teaching-learning model

An innovative methodology is proposed that seeks to have the student body concentrate its efforts on a maximum of three subjects at the same time. Therefore:

  • The course is divided into four modules. There are three subjects in each one.
  • Two modules per semester.
  • Throughout the course there are three practical challenges and work on content from different subjects.

CHALLENGE 1: Battery pack design

The challenge in this module will consist of designing a battery pack. The storage systems are at the energy transition centre and are constantly evolving. You will work on the modelling and management of the latest storage technologies, applying what you learn to the construction of a battery system. You will also be able to present your work to companies in the sector.


CHALLENGE 2: Lift monitoring

In thie 2nd module your challenge will be to put a remote monitoring system into operation. Nowadays, the massive collection of data and its analysis opens up infinite possibilities for the improvement and maintenance of any energy system. You will apply advanced technology for the acquisition and processing of data, allowing for the optimsation and creation of digital twins.


CHALLENGE 3: Real-time control of an electric vehicle

In this challenge you will implement the control of the drive system of an electric vehicle. You will design and build with rapid prototyping tools such as Altium, MATLAB & Simulink and Texas Instruments boards.


The television program Teknopolis showed some examples of projects carried out by the students of the master's program


Educational experiences