Objectives and competences

Official Degree

Master Degree in Robotics and Control Systems



1.5 years



Bilbao AS Fabrik (Zorrozaurre)

Class size

70 places


Spanish, English



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Objectives and competences

The main objective of this Master's degree is to provide training on automating, controlling, maintaining and providing intelligence to industrial processes and autonomous systems while directing innovative projects that guarantee their availability, using and integrating cutting-edge technologies in both industrial and scientific environments, with the ability to deliver advice on the most appropriate alternatives considering the specifications of users and current regulations. For this purpose, students will be trained in:

  • Identifying the needs for an industrial process or an autonomous system in the field of electromechanical drives and selecting the most appropriate.
  • Designing, developing and implementing pre-processing and data modelling techniques to predict, classify and group them, being able to interpret and validate the models created for the extraction of knowledge
  • Modelling and simulating the kinematics and dynamics of different types of robots in industrial environments
  • Programming a robot to obtain the desired kinematic behaviour.
  • Building a custom device for the control of a process or autonomous system.
  • Obtaining physical signals from sensors and designing the adequate conditioning for their transfer to control systems in both industrial and non-industrial contexts.
  • Selecting relevant theories and methods of the fields of perception and applying them in a new context.

 On the other hand, the learning results achieved in this Master's degree are adapted to Level 3 of the MECES (Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education).



Official Gazette of the State

Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education