Mobility and internationalization

Official degree

Master Degree in Data Analysis, Cybersecurity and Cloud Computing



1.5 years



Class size

30 places


Spanish, English



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Mobility and internationalisation

Through this programme, our students can carry out their projects in foreign universities, companies or research centres.

The projects in European universities will be covered by the Erasmus + Study programme, while projects carried out in European companies or research centres will be covered by the Erasmus + Practices programme.  Outside of Europe, projects will be carried out in universities through Bilateral Agreements and in companies through the University-Business Agreement.

With the Erasmus Study and Internship programme, students, apart from receiving the Erasmus grant and the supplement granted by the Ministry of Education, may also receive mobility grants offered by the Basque Government.

Scholarships and Grants

Through the Erasmus + programme, students have the option of receiving the European Scholarship (OAPEE) a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport. In addition, they may also request the international mobility programme of the Basque Government.

Outside of Europe, students will have an opinion to apply for the scholarship of the international mobility programme of the Basque Government.