
Official degree

Master Degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence



1.5 years


Bilbao AS Fabrik (Zorrozaurre)

Class size

30 places


Spanish, English



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Campus Bilbao AS Fabrik


You can study the Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence at the Bilbao AS Fabrik campus. Here you will find laboratories, classrooms and spaces equipped with the latest technology to develop your practices, research and practical projects.



Live University life

At the University of Mondragon in general, and on the different campuses of the Higher Polytechnic School, life is lived among the latest sportsculture and entertainment facilities. The university is also very involved with the community and students organise a growing number of activities aimed at society as a whole: trade fairs, magazine, contests, Literature Week, etc.

We also organise PBL Day every year, a day when all the projects developed during the academic year are exhibited and the best one wins a prize of €1000. And you will be able to take part in the NiZuGu Mugituz conference at which we find ways to train you in sustainable development, equality and values.

All these activities also form an integral part of the educational programme and their purpose is to improve quality of life for our students. At Mondragon Unibertsitatea you also learn how to live.



  • Virtual Secretary's Office: So that you can do all your paperwork online.
  • Library: Books, magazines, videos, study rooms.
  • Sports Services: Gym, excursions, courses and competitions.
  • Canteen: Breakfast, snacks, sandwiches, lunch menu.
  • KoNet: View your grades and much more on your mobile Systems Laboratory.
  • Campus Virtual: e-learning platform for support during the academic year.
  • Services for disabled students: Support staff, adaptation of studies.
  • Learning support: guidance, photocopying, computers, ...

All University services