Faculty of humanities and education sciences - Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Faculty of humanities and education sciences

Involved with Basque society and culture
Learning inside and outside the classroom
Innovation in Education
Involved with Basque society and culture
Learning inside and outside the classroom

Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

We are a cooperative organisation that seeks to transform society through innovation. Our areas of work, both in teaching and in research and transfer, are education, cooperativism, communication and the humanities. We are defined by our commitment to society and our proximity to people.


We have three locations: Eskoriatza, Aretxabaleta and Bilbao.

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We conduct research in four areas: education, cooperativism, communication and humanities.

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We offer Bachelor's Degrees, Master's Degrees, Doctoral Programs and Professional Training.

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Center of Innovation in Education

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Institute of Co-operative Research

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with us

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Doktorego tesia Sirats Santa Cruz Elorza ikertzaileak bikain ‘cum laude’ lortu du bere doktorego tesian 2025·03·03

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