Training activities
Training Activities
The doctorate in “Advanced Management of Organisations and Social Economy” develops activities focused on the acquisition of competencies and skills leading to the title of doctor. These activities include educational aspects and procedures for the development of the doctoral thesis.
Annually the tutor and the director of thesis will orient the student in the development and/or modification of the Research Plan (PI), including the identification of training activities necessary to ensure the acquisition of the competences that the candidate must acquire to obtain the degree of doctor.
The student's personalised Document of Activities (DAP) records the training activities carried out by the student. This document will be assessed by the panel during the defence of the thesis.
Training activities will be offered in two formats: in face-to-face format and in virtual format, which is rolled out via the virtual platform. This virtual platform is based on the Moodle virtual environment.Mondragon University uses this for the teaching of its postgraduate programmes in virtual format.
Detail of the proposed activities and their planning:
1st Year • 1st Semester
1st Year • 2nd Semester
Throughout the Doctorate
Las actividades a realizar bajo el módulo de formación no reglada se acordarán con el tutor y en su caso director de la tesis y se deberán realizar por lo menos tres actividades no regladas a lo largo del proceso de la tesis doctoral. Las actividades de formación no reglada deberán quedar reflejadas en el Documento de Actividades Personalizado.
Se considerarán actividades de formación no reglada las siguientes:
Full Time Students
A minimum of 3 activities of this kind is required during the 3 years of thesis development, with one activity per year (which must be included in the PI):
- 1 activity in the 1st year of the thesis.
- 1 activity in the 2nd year of the thesis.
- 1 activity in the 3rd year of the thesis.
Part Time Students
A minimum of 3 activities of this kind is required during the 5 years of thesis development, with one activity per year (which must be included in the PI):
- 1 activity in the 3rd year of the thesis.
- 1 activity in the fourth year of the thesis.
- 1 activity in the 5th year of the thesis.
Dedicación a actividades no regladas
3 years
It is mandatory to carry out at least one training activity in each academic year.
5 years
At least one training activity is mandatory for each academic year.
Formación Complementaria
In light of different backgrounds of incoming students, complementary courses, distributed in modules, are offered: Module I (Methodology) and Module II (Training in Business Management and Social Economics). Module I (Methodology) includes training in starting out doing research. Module II (Training in Business Management and Social Economics) includes training in business management when it is considered necessary for students whose academic or professional background is not in line with real business needs, which is the area the doctorate programme is focused on.
Consequently, the CAPD (Doctorate Programme Academic Commission) has decided that both modules are complementary and, as such, new students must complete them, however the time spent completing the modules does not count against the time limit for completing the doctorate programme set forth in RD 99/2011.
Follow-up of the doctoral student's activities
Transversal Training Activities
Course 2021/2022 Course 2022/2023 Course 2023/2024