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Official Degree

Engineering Graduate in Industrial Electronics


240 ECTS

4 years



Class size

60 places


Spanish, Basque, English



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Certified by EUR-ACE for the Industrial Electronics Engineering degree

ACCREDITATION Certified by EUR-ACE for the Industrial Electronics Engineering degree

The EUR-ACE international seal is a certificate granted to the degree in Industrial Electronics Engineering of Mondragon University by ENAEE from 28 January 2021 to 27 January 2024.

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Extensive possibilities of specialisation in different master’s degrees

SPECIALISATION Extensive possibilities of specialisation in different master’s degrees

This is a degree with interesting possibilities both for students who already know that their field of specialisation will be electronics and for those who are still unclear as to the field in which they would like to specialise but know that they want to study engineering.

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Facilities with state-of-art material

FACILITIES Facilities with state-of-art material

Mondragon University puts at the disposal of the students leading laboratories for carrying out the practices of the Degree in Electronics.

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In-company experience through study-work programmes and end-of-degree projects

OUR MODEL In-company experience through study-work programmes and end-of-degree projects

The End-of-Course Project and associated practices are carried out in the final phase of the Engineering studies and are a great opportunity to live a professional experience that meets to the needs of Companies, Universities and Technology Centres, both in Spain and abroad.

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