Objectives and competences

Official Degree

Graduate in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation


240 ECTS

4 years


Campus: Bidasoa, Bilbao, Oñati

Laboratories: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga; Berlin-Germany; Shanghai-China; Seoul-Corea; Puebla-Mexico, Querétaro-Mexico


Spanish, Basque, English



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The goal of this degree programme is to educate professionals qualified to create companies and effectively manage self managed teams. Recent graduates will be qualified to work in a globalised multilingual world and will receive an education that enables them to contribute to the development of a knowledge society where the key to competitiveness is innovation.
Students will become proficient in the following skills:

  • Team learning and leadership techniques
  • Creativity and innovation
  • International world view
  • Communication and self-management skills
  • Project management
  • Networking and network building.



The skills acquired by graduates of this programme fall into two categories:

  • Understanding and interpreting knowledge: Companies and their environment, instrumental knowledge and company creation and management.
  • Skills acquired through developing real projects: Team based learning, leading in a team and team entrepreneurship

The 21 skills encompassed by the programme's curriculum have been tested in practical situations for more than 15 years by Team Academy in Finland and they meet the need to learn, lead and engage in entrepreneurship within a collaborative context.