Study programme

Official Degree

Engineering Graduate in Eco-technology in Industrial Processes (Green Manufacturing). *Lessons in the process of amortisation


240 ECTS

4 years


Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

40 places


Basque, Spanish, English



Study programme

After taking the subjects of the Degree in Engineering in Ecotechnologies in Industrial processes, you will be able to design, develop and maintain sustainable manufacturing processes. Similarly, you will acquire the necessary knowledge to detect future opportunities and innovate in processes, technologies and materials to enable a more environmentally sustainable industrial production.

Subjects of the Degree in Engineering in Ecotechnologies in Industrial Processes




You will be able to solve mathematical problems that may arise in engineering.



You will learn to apply the laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and electromagnetism to solve problems.



You will acquire knowledge about programming, operating systems and databases applied to engineering.




You will identify the necessary elements to create and interpret drawings and learn how to use digital tools to do so.




Elasticity and resistance

The knowledge necessary to calculate when a product is going to break or how much a structure is going to deform.


Mechanical materials

You will have the basic knowledge to design and develop products.


Materials selection

You will learn about the characteristics, behaviour and uses of the different materials to be able to select the most suitable for each occasion.




Manufacturing processes

You will be able to design, develop and implement manufacturing processes that increase the productivity of the company, making it more efficient and sustainable.



You will master the automation tools that will allow you to control the manufacturing cycle of a product from start to finish.



You will learn the most appropriate techniques to reduce the environmental impact (treatment of waste and emissions) of industries.




Efficient communication

You will develop the techniques and skills to express your ideas so that you can create clear and concise reports.


Project management

You will have the necessary knowledge to manage and direct projects and work teams.


Environmental awareness

You will be able to detect and analyse environmental problems and needs, offering efficient and sustainable technological solutions.


view all subjects


You will participate in real projects that will allow you to learn more about the profession

During the degree, you must apply the knowledge that you will acquire throughout the different courses to solve challenges and projects, which will allow you to learn in a practical and real environment, helping you assimilate the knowledge.

Find out about our system of learning through projects


Subjects of each course


  • BT: Basic Training
  • C: Compulsory
  • OP: Optional
  • T: Thesis
  • B: Basque
  • S: Spanish
  • E: English


1st Year • 1st semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Mathematics I BT 6 B
PDF Graphic expression I BT 6 B
PDF Fundamentals of computing science BT 6 B
PDF Physics I BT 6 B
PDF Methodological foundations C 6 S
  Total   30  


1st Year • 2nd semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Mathematics II BT 6 B
PDF Chemistry BT 6 B
PDF Graphic expression II C 6 B
PDF Physics II BT 6 B
PDF Business BT 6 B
  Total   30  


2nd Year • 1st semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Material elasticity and strength C 4,5 B
PDF Electrical machines and drives C 6 B
PDF Manufacturing technology I C 4,5 B
PDF Metallic materials science C 6 S
PDF Mathematics III BT 6 B
Optional Offer 2nd year 1rd semester
PDF English I: Scientific and technical english OP(*) 3 E
PDF English II: Communication skills in english OP(*) 3 E
PDF Euskara I: Euskara for science and technique OP(*) 3 B
PDF History of science and technology OP(*) 3 B
PDF Prevention, safety and health in the workplace OP(*) 3 E
PDF Efficient team working OP(*) 3 E
PDF Sustainable development and environmental ethics OP(*) 3 E
PDF Job training and orientation OP(*) 3 S
PDF Writing of scientific-technical texts OP(*) 3 S
PDF Ethics of engineer OP(*) 3 E
PDF University cooperation for a better world  OP(*) 3 B
PDF Professional placement I OP(*) 3 B, S, E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.


2nd Year • 2nd semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Development technology II OB 4,5 B
PDF Thermal engineering OB 6 E
PDF Material engineering and selection OB 6 B
PDF Fluid mechanics OB 4,5 B
PDF Statistics BT 6 B
Optional Offer 2nd year 2th semester
PDF English I: Scientific and technical english OP(*) 3 E
PDF English II: Communication skills in english OP(*) 3 E
PDF Euskara II: Oral communication in euskara OP(*) 3 B
PDF Efficient decision making OP(*) 3 E
PDF History of science and technology OP(*) 3 B
PDF Prevention, safety and health in the workplace OP(*) 3 E
PDF Sustainble dewvelopment aand enviromental ethics OP(*) 3 E
PDF Job training and orientation OP(*) 3 S
PDF Writing of scientifif-technical texts OP(*) 3 S
PDF Ethics of engineer OP(*) 3 E
PDF University cooperation for a better world OP(*) 3 B
PDF Professional placement II OP(*) 3 B, S, E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.

3rd Year • 1st semester

  Subject Type ECTS Langauge
PDF Basic industrial automation C 3 E
PDF Environmental process optimisation: Plastics and composites C 4,5 E
PDF Industrial organisation C 4,5 E
PDF Environmental process optisation: Smelting C 4,5 E
PDF Environmental science and technology C 6 E
PDF Life cycle analysis C 3 E
Optional Offer 3rd year 1th semester
PDF 21st century challenges OP(*) 3 E
PDF Introduction to the teaching of engineering OP(*) 4,5 B
PDF Industrial sustainability OP(*) 4,5 S
PDF Food science and technology OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Finances OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computational mathematics laborategy OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computer vision OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Data analysis OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Introduction to additive manufacturing OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Calibration of measurement equipment OP(*) 3 E
PDF Profesional placement III OP(*) 4.5 E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway I OP(*) 4.5 E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.


3rd Year • 2nd semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Electronics and tooling C 4,5 B
PDF Environmental process optimisation: Machining C 4,5 B
PDF Environmental process optimisation: Forming C 4,5 B
PDF Quality engineering C 4,5 B
PDF Machine and mechanism theory C 4,5 B
PDF Advanced industrial automation C 3 B
Optional Offer 3rd year 2th semester
PDF 21st century challenges OP(*) 3 E
PDF Introduction to the teaching of engineering OP(*) 4,5 B
PDF Industrial sustainability OP(*) 4,5 S
PDF Food science and technology OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Finances OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computational mathematics laborategy OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Computer vision OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Data analysis OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Introduction to additive manufacturing OP(*) 4,5 E
PDF Calibration of measurement equipment OP(*) 3 E
PDF Profesional placement IV OP(*) 4.5 E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway II OP(*) 4.5 E
  Total   30  

* The student must choose from the optional subjects to reach the required 30 ECTS.


4th Year • 1st semester

  Optional modules Type ECTS Language
PDF New technologies and decision making in vuca environments OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Silver economy and supporting technologies OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Sustainable Technological Entrepreneurship Skills OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Product design OP(*) 15 S
PDF Mechanical design OP(*) 15 B, S
PDF Functional prototyping OP(*) 15 B, S
PDF Simulation of multiphysics problems in engineering OP(*) 15 B, S
PDF Smart industry OP(*) 15 B
PDF Robotics and industrial automation OP(*) 15 S
PDF Industrial production OP(*) 15 S
PDF Design and development of digital products OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Commercial process and sales OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Fundamentals of energy systems OP(*) 15 B
PDF Introduction to biomedical engineering OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Hydrogen for the energy transition OP(*) 15 S, E
PDF Work experience I OP(*) 15 B, S, E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway III OP(*) 15 B, S, E
PDF Work experience II OP(*) 15 B, S, E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway IV OP(*) 15 B, S, E
  Total   30  


4th Year • 2nd semester

  Subject Type ECTS Language
PDF Work experience III OP 18 B, S, E
PDF Internships for DUAL pathway V OP 18 B, S, E
PDF Thesis T 12 B, S, E
  Total   30  



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