Work while you study

Official Degree

Master Degree in Smart Energy Systems



1,5 years


Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

30 places


Spanish, English



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Work while you study


Work while you study

We offer you the possibility of combining studies with part-time work.


DUAL training for new students of the Master’s degree in Engineering

The Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea offers the possibility of alternating study with work, with this activity comprising an important source of income to finance your studies (in the first year, approximately €761 per month net depending on the time of activity developed and in the second year, while you complete the Master's Final Project (6 months) the income will be €1,125 per month).

This DUAL programme is an essential experience on the reality of the company, having excellent job placement rates and being highly valued by companies in their talent acquisition strategy.

This activity may be carried out in companies and technology centres or in the research laboratories of the University

Get your place


The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has 18 research groups where engineering students have the opportunity to collaborate through the Dual Program. This video shows several of the research projects that are developed at the university around energy.

The Liberty project aims to design a battery with an autonomy of 500km for the Mercedes EQC model and extend its useful life to be similar to that of combustion vehicles. The Cardhin project, on the other hand, aims to build a dynamic and wireless charging rail to offer an alternative that favors the electrification of heavy vehicles.

The researchers of these projects are teachers of the master's degree and annually integrate new students into their teams. Would you like to apply for one of these positions in the dual program?