The training aimed at Mondragon Unibertsitatea professionals is being consolidated and strengthened year after year.


The training aimed at Mondragon Unibertsitatea professionals is being consolidated and strengthened year after year.

Professional Training

The training aimed at Mondragon Unibertsitatea professionals is being consolidated and strengthened year after year.

The university offers courses of different types and formats to more than 8.000 professionals every year.



The training aimed at Mondragon Unibertsitatea professionals enjoys excellent health and, year after year, is being strengthened and consolidated. Thus, every year Mondragon Unibertsitatea offers courses of different types and formats to more than 8000 professionals.

From Mondragon Unibertsitatea's perspective, university degrees, university master's degrees and training for professionals complement each other, and serve to keep the knowledge that a person needs throughout his or her life up to date. This continuous training will allow us to have companies and organizations that provide an adequate response to the challenges of our society and that are competitive at a global level.

The vice-rector Jon Altuna Iraola has given an extensive interview to the newspaper Berria in which he discusses, among other topics, the importance of continuous training, the influence of new technologies in education or the close relationship of Mondragon Unibertsitatea with companies and institutions.

You will find the full interview here.