43 teams competed in the final of FLL MONDRAGON


43 teams competed in the final of FLL MONDRAGON


43 teams competed in the final of FLL MONDRAGON

The multi-site tournament, organized by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the University of Deusto, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) together with the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, brought together a total of 1,300 young people from 60 educational centers.



Bilbao, Donostia, Mondragon and Vitoria-Gasteiz hosted last Saturday the sixteenth edition of FIRST LEGO League Euskadi, in a day where fun and scientific-technological knowledge prevailed. The multi-site tournament, organized by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the University of Deusto, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) together with the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, brought together a total of 1,300 young people from 60 schools divided into 170 teams (107 Challenge teams and 63 Explore teams), who wanted to join this great science and technology event.

Starting with the presentation of the annual challenge, which in this edition has focuse on the exploration of the oceans, this educational program of reference in the STEAM field encourages young people to investigate an idea in different scenarios, test it, discard it, validate it and vary it to reach their own conclusions.

The eight teams that today have won the 16th edition of FIRST LEGO League Euskadi will participate on March 29 in the Spanish final to be held in El Ferrol. There they will present their innovation projects, and their robots will compete for a pass to the world final in Houston (United States), to be held from April 16 to 19.

They are the representatives of El Regato from Barakaldo (champion at the Arrasate site); San Fidel Ikastola from Gernika (runner-up at the Arrasate site); Sagrado Corazón from Bermeo; Santo Tomás Lizeoa from San Sebastián; Berrio-Otxoa from Bilbao; Jesús María Ikastetxea from Bilbao; Urkide from Vitoria; and Tecnoclub from Elburgo. These are the two best teams from each venue -Bilbao, Donostia, Mondragon and Vitoria-Gasteiz-, which have stood out for being the most complete of the 170 teams that participated in the tournament this morning.

Innovative Projects

The winning innovation projects have proposed unique solutions to the challenge of this edition. Some of them have been the design of a new ecological suit that is safer for divers and more environmentally sustainable; or a project based on the Maritime Gardens that allows research initially in laboratories and then placed in the sea to solve the degradation of the seabed flora, among others.

Data by venues

A total of 43 teams (26 Challenge + 17 Explore) from 13 centers from Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa competed at the Iturripe campus of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

At the University of Deusto in Bilbao, a total of 20 centers from all over Bizkaia participated in this edition, divided into 46 teams (27 Challenge + 19 Explore).

On the other hand, 46 teams (27 Challenge + 19 Explore) from 14 schools (5 from Bizkaia + 9 from Gipuzkoa) participated in the San Sebastian campus of the University of Deusto.

Finally, the UPV/EHU headquarters in Vitoria-Gasteiz hosted a total of 38 teams (27 Challenge + 11 Explore) from 13 centers in Alava and Bizkaia.