Last week the 25th University Championship of Euskadi was held


Last week the 25th University Championship of Euskadi was held

Euskadi university championship

Last week the 25th University Championship of Euskadi was held

Around 100 students represented Mondragon University at this edition, held in San Sebastian.



The last Thursday (March 6) the 25th Euskadi University Championship was held in Donostia. The four universities of the Basque country participated; EHU-UPV, U.Deusto, Euneiz and Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

This year's competition was organized by the University of Deusto, and Mondragon University participated in 11 categories, with a total of 100 students.

For our part, our representation was very well-rounded, and we emerged victorious in the following categories: men's basketball, women's frontenis, and men's pala. Most of them qualified, starting with the internal championships of each faculty and eventually winning the Mondragon Unibertsiatea championship and thus qualifying for the Basque Country championship.

In the case of team sports, the champions have qualified for the Spanish championships. As for individual sports, there are other selection criteria.

Many thanks to all the participants, and of course, to the 100 students who have represented Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

You can see the results of the championship in this page and some of our photos and videos in this album.

Album of the organization here